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Seminars and Bootcamps

Seminarios y Bootcamps

Take your skills to the next level.

As a company with experience in the digital TV sector, we offer training and knowledge transfer services for companies in the sector.

Formación decodificadores TV

Our range of seminars and specialised programmes are designed to help our clients’ employees take their skills to the next level. We are convinced that knowledge is one of the best tools to offer workers, and therefore, this service will be of great help to your company.

We are committed to strengthen the capabilities of your team, providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to tackle the technical challenges of any set-top box, TV or app project. Through our extensive experience, we have designed different levels and programmes that cover from the fundamental concepts (Android TV, user interface, …) to the more technical and low-level aspects (drivers, APIs, debugging issues, …).

To tailor our seminars, we work with your team to identify areas for improvement. In doing so, we offer personalised services and guarantee intensive immersions as well as a hands-on learning experience.

Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us and submit the needs and requirements of your project, we will help and provide you with the best training in the sector.

seminarios TV Digital

Knowledge, your best tool!